An easy to use testing framework for Linux.
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Below is a list of all files that have been released. Because this project has little audience I don't know whether the releases below are really stable or not. Actually, I don't even know if this will compile on a distribution other than Ubuntu. So I prefer to mark these files as beta/alpha version.


Version 0.10.0 (Latest) : Beta
Documentation RapidoTest_0-10-0.pdf
Linux self-extracting file rapidoTest-std-0.10.0.bin
Version 0.9.6 : Alpha
Linux archive file rapidoTest-0.9.6.tar.gz
Version 0.9.5 : Alpha
Documentation RapidoTest_TestSuite_UserGuide_0-9-5.pdf
Documentation RapidoTest_Autotest_UserGuide_0-9-5.pdf
Linux archive file rapidoTest-0.9.5.tar.gz

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