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Index of assertions

Below is the list of all defined assertions in "rapidotest.hh"


void assertDontExport() throw ();


Never fails. Prevent a test case to be exported.

assertText(std::string msg) throw ();


Never fails. When exported, this assertion is replaced by a print statement that display the content of ‘msg’

void assertNotImplemented() throw (AssertionException);

void assertNotImplementedDsc(std::string msg) throw (AssertionException);


Always fail. Assertions to use as reminder.

void assertWontFixNow()throw (AssertionException);

void assertWontFixNowDsc(std::string msg) throw (AssertionException);


Always fail. Assertions to use as reminder.

void assertShouldNotReachThisCode()throw (AssertionException);

void assertShouldNotReachThisCodeDsc(std::string msg) throw (AssertionException);


Always fail.

void assertTrue(bool test) throw (AssertionException);

void assertTrueDsc(std::string msg, bool test) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if the boolean test returns false.

void assertFalse(bool test) throw (AssertionException);

void assertFalseDsc(std::string msg, bool test) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if the boolean test returns true.

void assertNull(const void * ptr) throw (AssertionException);

void assertNullDsc(std::string msg, const void * ptr) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if the address value is not NULL.

void assertNotNull(const void * ptr) throw (AssertionException);

void assertNotNullDsc(std::string msg, const void * ptr) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if the address value is NULL.

void assertCharEquals(char exp, char res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertCharEqualsDsc(std::string msg, char exp, char res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertUCharEquals(unsigned char exp, unsigned char res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertUCharEqualsDsc(std::string msg, unsigned char exp, unsigned char res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertCStrEquals(const char * exp, const char * res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertCStrEqualsDsc(std::string msg, const char * exp, const char * res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertStrEquals(std::string exp, std::string res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertStrEqualsDsc(std::string msg, std::string exp, std::string res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertStrContains(std::string searchedString, std::string inText) throw (AssertionException);

void assertStrContainsDsc(std::string msg, std::string searchedString, std::string inText)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘searchedString’ is not found in ‘inText’.

void assertShortEquals(short exp, short res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertShortEqualsDsc(std::string msg, short exp, short res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertUShortEquals(unsigned short exp, unsigned short res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertUShortEqualsDsc(std::string msg, unsigned short exp, unsigned short res)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertIntEquals(int exp, int res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertIntEqualsDsc(std::string msg, int exp, int res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertUIntEquals(unsigned int exp, unsigned int res) throw (AssertionException);

void assertUIntEqualsDsc(std::string msg, unsigned int exp, unsigned int res) throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertFloatEquals(float exp, float res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertFloatEqualsDsc(std::string msg, float exp, float res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertDoubleEquals(double exp, double res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertDoubleEqualsDsc(std::string msg, double exp, double res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

void assertPtrEquals(const void * exp, const void * res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertPtrEqualsDsc(std::string msg, const void * exp, const void * res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is different of ‘exp’.

assertMemEquals(const void * exp, const void * res, unsigned int nbBytes)  throw (AssertionException);

assertMemEqualsDsc(std::string msg, const void * exp, const void * res, unsigned int nbBytes)

  throw (AssertionException);


Compare the first ‘nbBytes’ of buffers pointed by ‘exp’ and ‘res’. The assertions fail if the content of ‘res’ is different of the content of ‘exp’.

void assertCharNotEquals(char unexp, char res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertCharNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, char unexp, char res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertUCharNotEquals(unsigned char unexp, unsigned char res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertUCharNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, unsigned char unexp, unsigned char res)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertCStrNotEquals(const char * unexp, const char * res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertCStrNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, const char * unexp, const char * res)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertStrNotEquals(std::string unexp, std::string res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertStrNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, std::string unexp, std::string res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertStrNotContains(std::string unexp, std::string res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertStrNotContainsDsc(std::string msg, std::string unexp, std::string res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if the string pointed by ‘unexp’ is found in the string pointed by ‘res’.

void assertShortNotEquals(short unexp, short res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertShortNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, short unexp, short res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertUShortNotEquals(unsigned short unexp, unsigned short res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertUShortNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, unsigned short unexp, unsigned short res)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertIntNotEquals(int unexp, int res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertIntNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, int unexp, int res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertUIntNotEquals(unsigned int unexp, unsigned int res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertUIntNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, unsigned int unexp, unsigned int res)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertFloatNotEquals(float unexp, float res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertFloatNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, float unexp, float res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertDoubleNotEquals(double unexp, double res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertDoubleNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, double unexp, double res)  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertPtrNotEquals(const void * unexp, const void * res)  throw (AssertionException);

void assertPtrNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, const void * unexp, const void * res)

  throw (AssertionException);


Fail if ‘res’ is equals to ‘exp’.

void assertMemNotEquals(const void * unexp, const void * res, unsigned int nbBytes)

  throw (AssertionException);

void assertMemNotEqualsDsc(std::string msg, const void * unexp, const void * res, unsigned int nbBytes)

  throw (AssertionException);


Compare the first ‘nbBytes’ of the buffers ‘unexp’ and ‘res’. The assertions fail if both buffers have same content.


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